The PLA35 Headlamp Aligner with Camera, Stand a Lone or networked for Vehicle Testing

Approved for CoVis, CVRT on Rails or Mobile.

SKU: LUMINOSCOPE PLA 35 Category: Tags: , ,
  • Headlight adjusting device with manual positioning on floor mount rails. A no-rail version on rubber wheels is also available.
  • A counter-weight in the positioner stand allows on easy up-down movement of the optical block.
  • The stability of the heading tester is guaranteed by a special design of the column.
  • Rotating positioner stand for manual alignment of the system with the lpngitudinal axis of the car.
  • Large Fresnel lens.
  • Menu structure for setting a wide variety of parameters, such as inclination, tolerances, etc.
  • Intelligent camera for recording and digitalizing the headlight image.
  •  Operation panel with “7 colour touch LCD screen with easy to understand icons. Indication of the cut-off lien position.  Programmable aiming/audit parameters.
  • Unique Position Check system for the correct centering of the Luminoscope PLA35 in front of the headlight.
  • Algorithmes for aiming/testing of ECE, SAE and Japanese headlamps (low beams, high beams and fog beams) of all types: xenon, halogen, bi-elliptical, LED, Matrix,… For LHD and RHD vehicles.
  • Operational on continuous power supply and rechargeable battery (autonomy: 9hr.continuous use)
  • WIFI, USB, Bluetooth, RS232 interface for transfer of the results to the PC.
  • Remote control through VNC.

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  • Compact, digital headlamp aiming system.
  • Both for aiming and testing of headlamps.
  • Latest technology on image processing.
  • Programmable parameters to modify the Headlight tester to customer’s test criteria.
  • 7” colour touch display.
  • Alignment mirror.